When I said ‘something’, I was referring to things that people feel more connected to than humans, for example, there are many people in the world who enjoy nature more than the company of a human, and can consider nature their best friend forever. Similarly, people who are fond of reading would consider their books their best friend forever. And for the pet lovers, their pet can be labelled as their bff.

How to Use BFF on the Internet

Using acronyms like BFF can be very easy to use as they are simple short forms of a phrase or a word. The only thing that you need to be careful about is that the acronym that you are about to use on your Facebook or Instagram account, is relevant to what you are saying. The acronym should make sense when placed under a picture, as a status or even as a comment. Want to dedicate a post to your best friend? Tag her with a ‘BFF’ note on your account. You can also use hashtags for BFF on social networking websites, which is already a trend. #bff. I remember how often I used the acronym BFF for my friends. I used to put up pictures and caption them ‘BFF<3’. And this could actually be enough to explain how much the people in the picture matter to me. Similarly, you can use the acronym BFF in many ways. Look at the examples below to understand how the acronym can be used.

Examples for BFF

Example 1

H: I think I am in trouble. My professor just called me to the principal’s office. Maybe it is because of the missed classes? Z: Umm, can’t be the missed classes. H: Why? Z: ‘cause I marked your attendance every time you missed the class. H: Auw! You are the best BFF ever!

Example 2

You put up a status: ‘So my bff and I were out on the road last night for a long drive when we saw this really creepy person following our car. I panicked, like the usual. But thank God my bff was there with me, her fathers in the police and knew exactly what needed to be done. She called her father, and as soon as a police car approached from the opposite side, the creep stopped following our car. All the girls out there who have faced something similar must call the police instantly is anything like this happens.’

Example 3

Friend 1: So I have this crazy idea. Friend 2: Don’t even say it. Friend 1: But I want to, and I actually want to try this crazy idea with my bff. Friend 2: Just because I am your bff does not mean I would be up for anything you say. Friend 1: Ouch, that hurt… Friend 2: Stop blackmailing me. Friend 1: … Friend 2: Ok. Fine. Tell me. Friend 1: YAY! So I came across this super awesome trip to Europe and it is super cheap and we are going. Friend 2: No way, we have exams. Friend 1: That is what makes it ‘crazy’. LOL. Friend 2: God help you.

BFF in Upper Case or Lower Case?

It is an internet jargon, which means you can write in whatever way you want to. You can use it as BFF, bff or even b.f.f, all of this is up to you. You can also use upper and lower case both for writing it. For instance, Bff. The meaning of the acronym remains the same and does not change the meaning in any way possible. Unless of course you change the alphabets or add another word somewhere in the middle.

Where to Use the Acronym BFF?

Internet jargons are meant to be used in a more informal and a more casual setting. For instance, you can use it when talking to a sibling, a friend or even a cousin. But, if you are using it in a formal setting, like that of an office or  even in a university especially when talking to a professor or someone in authority, it is suggested that you don’t use any kind of acronym is such a setting. The only reason for this is that it gives a very unprofessional impact at the receiving end. You cannot possibly tell your boss ‘My bff and I were just talking about you’ or that ‘you were out with your bff’. As informal and unprofessional as it sounds, it gives a very bad impression to the boss, or  a professor that you are talking to. You need to use a more formal language for such settings.

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