The following system iteration will focus on improving screen and battery life, according to Steam Deck designers Lawrence Yang and Pierre-Loup Griffais in an interview with The Verge. Regarding performance, they want to maintain consistency in the future since having a single specification benefits both consumers and developers. When there is a sizable benefit to be retained, they will consider altering the system’s performance level. Since its debut, the first-generation Steam Deck has evolved and will continue to develop. The system’s designers indicated that hardware modifications, including bettering the battery adhesive, the system’s fans, Steam, and Quick Access buttons, making the battery more straightforward to change, and more, would be developed even if Valve is primarily focused on the software side of things. Users may soon be able to share their own Steam Deck power profiles with other players, according to Valve. However, sharing graphical settings may not be available for some time since it would be a significant task that Valve isn’t currently considering seriously. Several countries currently offer the Steam Deck gaming system for sale. The official website of the mobile gaming device from Valve has further details.