Along with a description of the tier, several images referring to Diamond tier rewards have also been located. These images are hosted on the PlayStation website. Although it is unknown whether any of these photographs will be used, they are undoubtedly authentic given that they are both located on PlayStation’s official website. -PlayStation  A reward system called PlayStation Stars pushes users to complete weekly tasks in exchange for rewards like digital artefacts and other PlayStation products like games and more. The number of awards claimed by a participant determines which tier they will move up to next. However, it’s possible that Sony wasn’t totally upfront about its PlayStation Stars plans. All players begin at Level 1 in the program’s four-tier level structure, which they can advance through through purchasing games and obtaining trophies. Although a fifth tier has not been disclosed, the graphics and description provide evidence that Sony may provide it in the future, perhaps when the service is made available globally. However there are reports of unjust treatment within the system. Gamers in areas where the service has been debuted have reacted to the service’s apparent prioritisation of high-tier customers for support. This appears to suggest that Level 4 PlayStation Stars members can contact customer assistance without waiting in line when they have a problem. The “Diamond” tier if added would encourage many users to climb up in the system making the intiative a success.