The Facebook user feed is curated by algorithms. But possibly a buggy update was pushed recently which broke the algorithm. Any and all posts on celebrity accounts by other people started showing up on the individual user’s feeds. Although it was limited to the celebrity accounts they followed. 

— k sar (@ksarvottam621) August 24, 2022

— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) August 24, 2022 What ensued for approximately the next 3 hours was utter chaos, as people figured out what was going on and started spamming the celebrity accounts. Soon, the crypto bros joined too with spammy links and posts all over the platform.  Meta even acknowledged the problem, stating “We’re aware that some people are having trouble with their Facebook feed. We’re working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible and we apologise for any inconvenience.” 

— Jordan (@JordanDWhitney) August 24, 2022 The issue started about 4 hours ago, from the time of publishing this article. But by 5:30AM ET the bug was resolved. Disruptions of this scale are usually caused by hacks, or major outages, like the one we saw in 2020, where major celebrity Twitter accounts were hacked for a Bitcoin scam.