Many users were stuck with this issue and many of them were able to find their solution to the problem. We have gathered those solutions in a single article and decided to present them to you step-by-step in this article. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully!

What Causes the GeForce Experience Not Finding Games Problem on Windows?

Before you start troubleshooting this issue, make sure you check whether the problematic games which can’t be found are supported by GeForce Experience. You can find the full link by opening this link. If the games are supported and you still notice the same issue, make sure you check out our full list of possible causes. Pinpointing the correct cause is great as it can help you pick out the correct method more easily!

Solution 1: Run GeForce Experience as an Administrator

This is probably the easiest method to try out in this article and it has provided great results to users who struggled with this problem. The explanation is that the games are probably installed in a folder which can’t be fully accessed without administrator permissions. Providing this access can help the GeForce Experience locate the games and include them as such.

Solution 2: Add Proper Folders as Game Locations

It’s quite possible that you installed a game in a different location to where you usually install them and GeForce Experience simply doesn’t look for it. You need to set up the location to look for in GeForce Experience properties. This can be done simply by following the steps we have provided below!

Solution 3: Take Ownership and Provide Full Control for the Folder the Games are Located in

If the problem only appears with games located in a certain folder on your computer where the games are installed, you should consider adding the Everyone account as the owner and providing full control. This way, the client will have access to it and it will be able to locate the games. Follow the instructions below!

Solution 4: Allow GeForce Experience in Windows Defender Firewall

The other side of the problem might be the fact that GeForce Experience is struggling to connect to the Internet properly. This may be a problem since GeForce experience needs to connect to the Internet to find out what to look for to recognize a game. Make sure you allow it through in Windows Defender Firewall to resolve this problem!

Solution 5: Enable Experimental Features

Experimental features are features which haven’t been tested fully and NVIDIA probably plans to release them in future GeForce Experience versions. Some users have claimed that enabling these features managed to help them resolve the problem quite easily so make sure you follow the steps below to do so!

Solution 6: Delete the App’s Cache

GeForce Experience keeps its cache files in the AppData folder. Deleting its folder will reset its cache and refresh the app without you losing any data at all. On the plus side, it may help the client locate the games you have installed easily. Make sure you follow the steps below to try out this method!

Solution 7: Update your NVIDIA Drivers

Weirdly enough, many users were able to resolve the problem simply by updating their NVIDIA drivers. If you are using the latest version of the client and an older version of the driver, you might experience the issue where games are simply not recognized. Follow the steps below to update your drivers using GeForce Experience!

Solution 8: Reinstall and Update to the Latest Version

There are several problematic games which have struggled to be recognized by GeForce Experience. Folks from NVIDIA have promised that the new update will be able to resolve the problem. However, it’s better if you completely reinstall GeForce Experience and install the latest version to make sure you also check if your current installation is faulty. Make sure you follow the steps below!

Windows 10:

Other versions of Windows:

Either way, make sure you download the latest version of the GeForce Experience client by opening this link and clicking the green download now button. Run it after it downloads and follow the instructions on-screen to install it. Check to see if GeForce Experience now recognizes the games you own properly!

Fix: Geforce Experience Not OpeningHow to Fix GeForce Experience Error Code 0x0001 on Windows?How to Fix GeForce Experience Scanning Failed Error on Windows?Fix: Geforce Experience Black Screen in Windows 10 How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 9How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 19How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 10How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 61How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 86How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 58How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 42How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 76How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 9How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 65How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 50How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 70How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 6How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 8How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 15How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 41How to Fix the GeForce Experience not Finding Games Problem on Windows  - 65