“Something went wrong We’re not able to obtain the Single-Sign-on authentication token for your account. caa70004 – The server or proxy was not found. Error code: 0x85050042” Users affected by this problem have confirmed that it only persists when using Mobile Data and that syncing is successful when connected to a WiFi network. Affected users have also confirmed that all other applications that require an internet connection work fine and all other email accounts apart from their Office 365 accounts sync fine on Mobile Data. This problem does not affect any other areas of Windows 10 Mobile, but simply denying users access to their emails and their OneDrive makes it aggravatingly frustrating. Removing your Office 365 account from the affected applications and then re-adding it while connected to a WiFi network will have no effect and the issue will still persist. In almost every single case, this issue is caused by a Smartphone running on Windows 10 Mobile being configured to restrict background data, which is why the only known way to fix it is to: The problem should be resolved as soon as you configure the phone to never restrict background data. Once done, try syncing emails from your Office 365 account or try syncing your Office 365 account with OneDrive and see whether or not the issue has been fixed.

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