Apple’s 1st AR Headset

Apple never formally announced that they were preparing a headset for Augmented Reality. Although, a Korean website thelec has shared some information regarding the display featured on these headsets. Reportedly, Apple has increased its requirements for the “OLEDoS” display from 2800ppi up to 3500ppi. It seems as if Apple is reaching out to Samsung and LG for its displays. The average ppi for smart phones using OLEDs is around 550ppi. However, AR headsets need around 3000–4000ppi being much closer to the eye. For this purpose, OLEDoS was designed using silicon as a substrate instead of glass. You can read more about here. 

Apple’s Position in the AR Market

A few leakers have pointed towards a possible 2023 release for Apple’s first top-of-the-line AR headsets. As they use the new OLEDoS technology, customers are expected to pay around $2000. That looks like a rather hefty price and sadly Apple is not expected to release budget variants by at least 2025. All in all, this does seem like a smart move from Apple due to the rise of AR these days. As stated above, Apple is not targeting Virtual Reality. The main difference between AR and VR is the fact that, VR creates a brand new world. Whereas, AR adds on to the world you are currently in. You can get the picture from here. We can’t wait to see how these headsets will hold up against the top dogs.